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Wordpress Plugins & Tutorials: Your Pick

A massive list of useful wordpress plugins & tutorials submitted by readers at Smashing Magazine.

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CNN.com To Launch Web 2.0 Re-design This Weekend

CNN is this weekend re-launching its website as an enhanced multimedia site - packed with web 2.0 features such as recommendations and user generated content.

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Ajax Spell Check

An online Ajax Spell checker similar in interface to Gmail. Not really a web design resource, I know.

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Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications (Book review)

An excellent review of the book for RoR beginners by Roger Johansson.

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The Power of Google Gears (Part 1)

Comprehensive tutorial on using Google Gears.

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QuirksBlog: Safari 3.0 re-reviewed

A developer's scrutiny on the claim of Safari being "the fastest web browser on any platform."

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Cerny.js - Method call interception, Schemas, Type checking and more

Robert Cerny has created a JavaScript library in his own image Cerny.js.

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Simply JavaScript: The Three Layers of the Web

Take a little time to review how to build web sites that look good both inside and out, and see how JavaScript fits into the picture.

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